Rick Santorum would like you to know he is not gay nor a dog rapist, and in no way is a hateful git who deserves the years and years of internet mockery he had coming to him.Doing my part to shore up the 8 year campaign to define (via Google) the gay-bashing, pent-up, milquetoast ninny Rick Santorum.
Pronunciation: san-TOR-um
Function: noun
Etymology: Savage Love – 05/29/03 [Great post, worth reading – Ed.]
1. The frothy mixture of lube and fecal matter that is sometimes the by-product of anal sex.
2. Former Senator Rick Santorum
This effort has worked for years, and still holds so strong that Santorum complains about it all the time. Google “Santorum”, gangsta!
1 comment
To clarify – despite the hilarity of the photo, while I don't like soft serve ice cream, I believe other citizens are within their rights to consume as much as they want, in any fashion they want, so long as it does not impose on the freedoms of other people.