I’ve seen the other ‘Twilight’ movies and will gleefully pinch the loaf and watch the final one when released.
This preview makes me forget the 7-8 hours of my life already given over to the films chock full of dull talking. Now I only recall a constant loop of vampires of dogs running at each other in the same field over and over.
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Five! Five wondervul movies! Ah ah ah!
I recommend that everyone visiting this site watches that Twilight trailer without sound. I just did so, not having any headphones with me, and all I can say is… wow. This is a movie that got made. A big budget movie. Millions of dollars were spent making Twilight Breaking Dawn Part 2: The Dawnening. Thousands of hours of work were put into it. I honestly think whatever epic music and/or epic voice over they may or may not have totally distracts from the purity of the moment. Nothing to draw any of your attention away from Kristen Stewart fly-tackling a cougar and leaping a million feet with her mighty vampire powers.
Oh boy would I love to see this with you! Maybe we can squeeze it in between cultural events and Ducks manifestation sessions? It would be like a reverse sorbet, uncleansing our arty/sporty pallettes, but I'm game.
Zack – I dig your idea of NEVER feeling obliged to let Hollywood-produced noises into our earholes if a more sublime experience may be achieved.
Fanny – TOTALLY up for escalating the variety of venues for raising the proud Haole flag.
In a lesser online forum, I typed "Bella sure has that pussy licked." Won't do that here, 'cause I'm trying to keep this joint classy.