Get these goons out of our city. Trump’s failures have led to more than 137,000 deaths, a massive recession, and rampant unemployment. He has chosen to send unmarked Federal agents to my city, Portland Oregon, to attack peaceful protestors, almost killing one from across the street this week (still recuperating from his head injury). About graffiti. They’ve escalated to abducting peaceful citizens off the street using unmarked vehicles. Trump is a whiny little bitch, a coward, and fraud and wants to fan the flames of hatred to his base on his media outlets rather than save lives by doing his fucking job competently.
Oregon and Portland did not ask for this. This ongoing stunt circumvents city police, county sheriffs, and state police. They want these goons gone. The Governor and Mayor and our Congressional delegation have demanded that these goons be removed. Peaceful protests against police violence should not be met by amplifying police violence.

I called the White House, but its phone line for comments has been shut down. Weak-ass. The option was to send an email instead, which I did.
Trump has gone bankrupt five times. He is not a self-made man. His dad lent him $400m to bail him out over and over. He’s tied in with the mob. He was bankrupt when he became a game show host pretending he was wealthy. He pardons and commutes sentences of his political hit lackeys, while his personal attorney sits in jail for doing an act that Trump himself directed but cannot be prosecuted for (yet). He is a hollow person who will never be content and whose main delights are getting away with bullying and crime. The only person on Earth worse than Trump in costing lives is Brazilian President Bolsonaro, who also summons his fans to mass events that fill his ego at the cost of increasing pandemic spread and illness and death. Look at Tulsa and Oklahoma now.
Trump has made our nation a laughingstock as our people in massive numbers get sick and die, especially now in states that voted for him. And he also wants to take away the healthcare of millions, and has no problem with sending students and educators into school to get sick and die so he can pretend things are normal and not a disaster due to his ongoing epic fuck-ups. His entire history is full of fuck-ups and fraud.
If you don’t live in Oregon, ensure your state has vote by mail. It’s easy and secure, but requires good planning.
Work to make your friends vote. Consider donating to campaigns in other states if your state is secure. Vote Save America is a good place to lend a hand: