Bookended moments

This morning —

Dropped off J at school, who is almost 11. In the parking lot he made me roll down the car window and gave me a kiss goodbye. When we walk together, he still sometimes reaches out for my hand. Those times are diminishing, but I’m still grateful for them.

Tonight —

Setting L down to sleep, giving her a dream about (done nightly – I suggest an amusing dream) I made a joke about not being useful. She said “Papa, you are very useful. I could talk about the reasons why for 28 hours.”


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  1. Those stories are simply perfect. E still reaches for my hand, sometimes even at school. I savor each one knowing it could be the last. Thanks for the sweet little story.

  2. a kiss from an 11 yr old at that hipsta school parking lot: wow. my girl would never have done that in middle school there. i envy you!

  3. K –
    E is a marvel. Rock 'n' roller. Neat videos. Sweet notes. She'll remain so no matter what middle school horrors loom (leave us notes, tiffy squid!).