Poetry month: White Trash Haiku with Interpretation

April is National Poetry Month, and for April Fool’s Day something funny and clever:

Fanny Chicken passed along this hilarious stream of white trash themed haiku her sister wrote up several years ago, with excellent interpretive notes that amplify the experience.

Annotations are an underutilized art form. An example of what you’ll get at the post:

Carnival’s in town,
Who’s that runnin’ the zipper?
Like to git with him.

Interpretation: Note how the lure of the carnival is enhanced by the enchanting possibility of new romance. In this haiku, one can almost hear the “clickity whirr” of the zipper ride. It’s as though the reader sees through the author’s eyes: A hansome, although oily-ish, traveling man who’s yearning for a reason to stay in one place for the first time since his release from juvie 7 years ago. Maybe she shall inspire such desire!

More White Trash Haiku with Interpretation


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