Dreamed of ‘Scarface’

This morning, I woke up after dreaming I was in the final scene of Brian DePalma’s ‘Scarface’ as one of the rival druglord’s henchmen in a violent gunfight with coked-up Tony Montana (played by Al Pacino). The garish interior of Montana’s mansion was all around. Fountain in the atrium with a generic statue of women holding a globe with “The World Is Yours” in neon. While stressful, I was able to crawl on the floor and avoid Montana’s gunfire even though he saw me.

“Say hello to my little friend! Sweet dreams.”

I had been up late watching a documentary about Gore Vidal “The United States of Amnesia”, which has tidbits of the fallout he had with Christopher Hitchens. I still mourn the passing of both men, and may write something about that later. Vidal’s elegiac sighing over the American Empire likely influenced the dream.

Debris flying, curses in English and Spanish all around, I thought as the dream ended: “This is a tacky way to go.”

That would be a pretty good exit line. Something to bear in mind 300-400 years from now when I finally pass.

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