
Valentine’s Day new-timey sweetness

In ancient Rome during middle February they feasted quite deeply during pagan Lupercalia. To slit the throats of a dog and a goat then eat them would cure what ailed ya.

Then ladies’d stand naked in line, and while blitzed on wine the fellas all’d hit them.

Later on ladies’ names were drawn by men in a game to determine who later would schtup ’em.

Couples might bond, other times not gel, in either case they’d end up sticky.

While rollicking and violent, horrid and wrong, somehow that all ended as this edible Mickey.

The Valentine’s cookie was sweet, decorated neat, and blended to smooth consistency.

Eating it made me sluggish and slow, hardly rarin’ to go, and in the wild my rivals would pass me.

Would I end up behind down the Lupercalian line slapping laggard asses that didn’t quite suit me?

I’d probably stay back, plan a selective attack based on hair, guessed-at smarts, self-esteem.

Or would I have thought “Sod it all. Ave, Venus!” and hope my card would lead to love at first sight?

All this mulling now and then while with a ravenous grin I chomped down on this corporate copyright.

Pepsi: demi-retro-chic sugar water.

Astonished that the growing disfavor over high fructose corn syrup has led to a sense that regular sugar soda pop is a healthful choice. And companies are marketing to nostalgia for sugar soda pop. Oh, I’ll choose sugar over corn syrup. But it’s saying: “Hey, remember when we used to sell you a different type of poison?”

Sugar. Aw, funny funny. You got me wanting you.

During a long pre-work walk one morning I went by this bottling plant and was struck by the colors and stacks.

About a decade ago I had no problem consuming 32+ ounces of soda pop. Now? I can rarely finish off a 12 oz. can, even with ice, even when daring myself. Stomach & kidney induce a gag-reflex quickly then, uhrp, ick, can’t drink no’ mo’.

Never was able to stand diet drinks. Aftertaste = bleh, always revolting to my palate whether saccharine, Nutra-Sweet, Sweet-n-Low, Splenda, ground unicorn hoof. It’s all horrible. Only sugar or high fructose corn syrup in MY soft drinks, or Get It the Fuck Outta Here!

Snapped this photo feeling all moral and stuff about making smarter choices, what with the reduced soda pop consumption. Until I realized in my mitts was a bag with a bacon maple bar donut and a chocolate cake donut with chocolate frosting and chocolate chips. So, got some ways to go on the “making smarter choices” front. With a snort, I took my inflated/deflated righteousness and got the fuck outta there.

I only ate the top part of each donut, scraping the tasty rind and leaving the bulk of the complex carbohydrates. Weird rationalization/righteousness slightly recovered.

On a ride with my son

All this week, my daughter was scheduled for Zoo Camp. My son didn’t have anything scheduled.

I had to work, and my mom was willing to have him stay for four days.

Got him back Thursday night, and wasn’t sure what to do. Then decided to cut work and spend Friday with just him.

He’s 11, and signs are accruing that puberty encroaches. Height increasing. Closes the door to his room a lot. More guarded about changing his clothes, bathing, growing sense of privacy.

We dropped his sister off at Zoo Camp, then strolled around the Zoo for several hours. I gave him the map and let him navigate. We weren’t in a hurry.

We boarded the Zoo Train (I hadn’t been on for a decade or so) and I noticed dark hairs on his legs. I said (quietly) “You’re growing up. Your leg hairs are darker.” “Not as dark as yours” “You’re getting there, though. It’s good to see you growing up.” He smiled. We talked about growing up and being able to drive, and going to college, and other milestones only 5-7 years away.

See the bag of green candy? Sour Skittles. He was MISERLY with them. I only got four, once he gave me three. A second time, one. He worked on that regular-size bag for about two hours. Hope he holds to that Golden Mean.

From the Zoo we went downtown. I let him pick lunch (noodles), and we went for ice cream. We read for about an hour and a half in the library (Me – reading on an artwork to write about, J – Fellowship of the Ring). Then he wanted to see if there were books on martial arts. I made him ask at the information desk and he was directed to a shelf of them. After about 20 minutes of browsing, he picked one. Checked it out, we were on our way.

Outside of the library, he asked me what sixth, seventh, and eighth grades were like for me. I told him they were tough for almost everybody. Puberty, confusion, frustration, kids getting more concerned about the body changes and new feelings, and not as attuned to the feelings and needs of others. I also mentioned around 6th grade is when my parents divorced. He listened thoughtfully. I told him he would someday go through those body and feeling changes, and I said I hoped he would come to us with any questions. “I will probably come to you, ” he said, “as it’ll be about boy and man changes.”

Took the light rail back to the Zoo, then sat in the cafeteria and read some more. All four of us met there after my daughter’s Zoo Camp was finished.

Throughout the day, he ran his arm around mine and we walked together arm-in-arm. He said “I don’t feel like holding your hand much anymore, but I do feel like doing this.” I nodded, absorbing the moments.

Later at night, he was speaking with his mom about cell phones. One of his friends recently got one. He wants one, too. “Other kids in class have them, too.” My wife asked: “Do you want one for talking with them?” “No, only my friends.” “Don’t you mean the kids in your class?” “No, I’m not friends with EVERYone in my class.”

Then she discovered he was only friends with the boys in his class. She observed: “That will probably change.”

“Yeah.” He guessed around age 13 he would use the phone to talk with girls. Then around 17 he would be old enough to drive, and then use his phone and car to go pick the girls up.

My man.

I like fast food, but am a snob about it. Disney has good fast food

Scanning recent photos, came across this one of my meal at Pinocchio Village Haus in the Magic Kingdom at Walt Disney World from April. It was late at night, and work stuff (really!) kept me and a buddy occupied and we didn’t enter the park until 6:00 p.m. or so. We scurried around from ride to ride, hitting a bad streak of 3 or 4 rides delayed or broken as we were in line. It’s a Small World broke the streak and was smooth sailing on its brackish waters (WDW’s version SO underwhelming compared to Disneyland’s).

I’m a wuss about needing to eat, so it was unusual to have waited until 9 or so. But I was particular about what I wanted after our leisure stress, psychoemotional reversion to childhood, and hunger: Coke, chicken nuggets, French fries, apple slices. BAM!

Chicken nuggets devoured, ate about half the French fries, drank 1/3 the soda pop (HATE diet, but I can rarely bring myself to consume 12 oz. of pop nowadays. The era of guzzling 44 oz. like a Viking returned from the surface of the sun long past) and all of the apples (are ya proud, mom?). It was tasty and stupid expensive but I loved it and we got outta there and jumped back into the fray and kept rolling through the late hours until park closing.

Yes, I’m getting emotional about this meal. When I bond with something, it’s stronger than steel. I wish there were some necromancy that would allow me to summon this meal once more and eat the fuck out of it.

Not 100% sure I had the ranch dressing with the chicken nuggets, but since it’s only us I’ll go ahead and guess that I did.

Sleepy woman versus a hot dog

Didn’t laugh at this so much as relate. Most every meal I have is a contest of wills between my hand and my head as to which will compromise the most. Sometimes my hand doesn’t WANT to be the appeaser. Sometimes it sticks up for itself and goes “Hey, head. How about you meet me halfway every once in a while instead of 10-15% of the way?” My head will be all like, “Hey, fuck that. I’m the head and I run you!” And the hand will sometimes go “Oh, okay.” and cave in. Every once in a while it’ll reply “I don’t care if you get any food or beverage. I don’t have any taste buds. Hardly anything in it for me.”

This dialog usually happens on lunch breaks, and I do the voices both for the hand and the head. And before you’re all like “Heh, awkward!” — know that my hand and head usually get applause at the end because they are both that damned entertaining and awesome.

Sleepy Woman Vs Hot Dog – Watch more Funny Videos